When you hear about having to fast, how do you respond? Do you grumble, take delight, or just go with it? For most people, the season of Lent is the only time during the calendar year that they will participate or even think about fasting. It is also so easy to fast for the wrong reasons. We often fast robotically, just to do it, to show off to others that we are so holy, to be seen off as the best to God (you & I need humility). There are also the right motivations for fasting such as repentance, awakening the spiritual hunger for God, and seeing what really controls us.
The first example of fasting that comes to mind is when Jesus spent 40 days and nights in the wilderness. I remember not having pepperoni pizza on Pizza Friday lunches being a bummer, and I am sure my friends did not even notice me getting cheese pizza. Yet, I had the audacity to tell them all about my suffering. How could Jesus do this for 40 days? Why? It does sound inhuman, yet Jesus is 100% human. Jesus fasted to recognize His complete dependence on the Holy Spirit and God’s Word to be the nourishment for His ministry. Is God your nourishment?
The most obvious example of fasting is fasting from food and drink. Some more modern examples can be fasting from social media, phone usage, or computer games. Something that we can be tempted by is replacing our fasting with something else. I have had the experience of fasting from YouTube but then directly replacing it with Netflix. WHAT WERE YOU THINKING DAN!? This happens way too often when you do not fast with a plan or prayer. If you fast from doing something, replace the time not doing that activity with spending time with God. Spending time with God can be prayer, reading the Bible, reading a spiritual book, taking a walk to appreciate nature, or serving others.
God does not want us to suffer by fasting. He loves when we fast because it takes our mind and hearts away from focusing only on ourselves, slows us down, and points us in the direction of God’s love. The next time you hear about fasting, think of it as an opportunity to be closer to the creator, to know His heart, and to realize what is truly important in your life.
Matthew 6:16-18
16 “And whenever you fast, do not look dismal, like the hypocrites, for they disfigure their faces so as to show others that they are fasting. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward. 17 But when you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face, 18 so that your fasting may be seen not by others but by your Father who is in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you.
Be awesome and blossom 🌱
By: anh Dan