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November 2022 Saint of the Month: Margaret of Scotland by Daniel


Updated: Jan 21, 2023

You’ve heard the phrase: “happy wife, happy life”, right? Well, for our purposes, “holy wife, holy life” might be more appropriate. This month’s saint did not have to do anything big or dramatic to be remembered. All she had to do was be faithful to God and generous to others. By her example, her husband had a conversion of the heart which, in turn, influenced the culture of an entire country. King Malcolm was so moved by his wife’s faith that he helped to finance her initiatives to aid the poor and establish monasteries. St. Margaret of Scotland is considered an exemplary leader in Scottish history because of the way she lived her vocation as a queen and as a daughter of God.

Margaret was an English princess who was born in Hungary to Princess Agatha of Hungary and the English Prince Edward the Exile around the year 1045 A.D. She had two siblings, Cristina and Edgar the Atheling, who were also born in Hungary around the same time. She spent much of her youth in the court of her great-uncle, Edward the Confessor, who was the king of England. Her family moved there because her father was a potential successor to the king. However, they had to flee to Northumbria when William the Conqueror won the Battle of Hastings in 1066. While they fled by ship, it was caught in a storm which drove them further north and they were shipwrecked in Scotland in 1068. Today, that location is called “St. Margaret’s Hope.”

Luckily for the family, King Malcolm Canmore III, the king of Scotland was welcoming and put them under his protection. He soon fell in love with princess Margaret and they married in 1070. The king had a good heart, but his personality was rough and he had a strong temper. Margaret’s patience and generosity helped to soften him up, polish his manners, and lead him to become a noble ruler. Together they would pray, feed the hungry, and demonstrate faith in action. Together, they had eight children, six sons and two daughters. They were all raised with deep devotion to the Catholic faith and three of her sons would become the future kings of Scotland.

In addition to serving the poor, Queen Margaret promoted the arts and education because she knew that a nation thrives when it is inspired by beauty and goodness. She was also a strong advocate of religious reform among the clergy in Scotland who were very corrupt at the time. She would hold listening sessions for the laity and publicly correct the religious abuses that were occurring frequently. Margaret was not afraid to use her position as queen to put an end to this because these practices abuse the trust of the people and were unjust. When the corruption was manageable, the king and queen established churches to foster the Catholic faith. One of the churches included the Abbey of Dunfermline, where a piece of Jesus’ cross is preserved.

Margaret would encourage those she met to live a devout life cultivated through frequent prayer, almsgiving, and fasting. In fact, the queen did not eat often and slept very little so she could have more time for prayer and service to the poor. Pope Francis tells us that there are two ways to be charitable: the “clean way” and the “messy way”. The first way is done by donation and the second way is accomplished through personal service to the needy. Margaret had a great love for the poor, the sick, and the orphaned. During Advent and Lent, the king and queen would even serve them on their knees! She shows us that no matter who you are, you can always take the extra step and serve others the “messy way”. You don’t even need any money, just your two hands.

Sadly, King Malcolm and his eldest son were killed in battle in 1093. Margaret passed away four days later on November 16 and her body was buried before the high altar at Dunfermlin. She lived a life of holiness as a wife, mother, and queen. Her impact on her adopted country led her to being called “The Pearl of Scotland''. Yet, if you were to ask her, she would probably tell you the proudest title she holds is faithful child of God.

If you ever find yourself in need of St. Margaret of Scotland’s intercession, here is a good prayer:


who made Saint Margaret of Scotland wonderful

in her outstanding charity towards the poor,

grant that through her intercession and example

we may reflect among all humanity

the image of your divine goodness.

Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,

who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

one God, for ever and ever.


Stay awesome and blossom 🌱

By: anh Daniel

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